Anna Gołębicka

Centrum im. Adama Smitha

Economist. Communication and management expert. Author of many ideas and product communication strategies. Advisor and plenipotentiary of management boards of institutions and well-known brands (Górnośląsko Zagłębiowska Metropolia, NID, Warsaw Uprising Museum, Gatta, Agata, Paged, Ochnik, Valeant, Grena). In the health care segment: KIF, OZZL, Residents Agreement OZZL, OZZPF, KZZPML, Independent Team of Experts Continue Curatio, NIL. Expert Adam Smith Center. She managed marketing and development, i.a. CANAL+ Cyfrowy thematic channels. He owes his strategic experience to many years of work as a strategy director (Martis, GRAY Group). Author of publications, lectures, and webinars in the field of communication. Author of the book "Don't show it to the boss", columnist of Polska The Times, MedEkspress, Gazeta Lekarska. He teaches communication at Kozminski University, Warsaw University of Technology Business School and KSAP.