Paweł Sałek

Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland
Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland

Graduated of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at Częstochowa University of Technology. He completed the International MBA, a program conducted by the Centre for Management Training, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, as well as postgraduate studies in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Institute of Political Science, University of Social and Media Culture in Toruń, and the Postgraduate Inter-University Study of Assessment and Valuation of Natural Resources at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the Warsaw School of Economics. Since 2003, he has been conducting scientific research at the Laboratory of Assessment and Valuation of Natural and Natural Resources and Natural Resources of the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Warsaw School of Life Sciences, working on the topic of carbon accumulation through forest and soil environments. He has authored or co-authored 17 articles, reports and scientific papers.

In the past, he served as Director of the Academic Center for Environmental Education of the Independent Students' Union. He was also Director of the Board of Cleaning of the City of Warsaw, while previously he was Deputy Head of the Department of Municipal Economy and Environmental Protection of the City Hall in Skierniewice. He was the creator and first head of the National Administrator of the Emission Allowance Trading System at the Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute (now: National Balancing and Emission Management Center). He also worked at the National Emission Inventory Center. In recent years, he was Vice President of the Board of Directors and Director for Technical and Operational Affairs at Radomskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej RADPEC SA in Radom. From 2015 to 2018, he was Secretary of State at the Ministry of Environment, Government Plenipotentiary for Climate Policy. He specializes in the use of natural resources for the economic development of non-urbanized areas and the use of the UN Climate Convention and Kyoto Protocol instruments for the development of Poland. Appointed as Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland on June 26, 2018.