Dr hab. Katarzyna Śledziewska

Director of DeLab at University of Warsaw

Managing Director of DELab UW and Head of Activity II.3.6 of POB V "Building an Impactful Digital Alliance" under the Excellence Initiative - Research University program. She also manages international research projects (including NGI Forward and Horizon 2020).

Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw. Member of Readie, Council of the Polish Economic Institute, Expert Team of the Responsible Leadership Council FOB. Since 2021 she has been a member of the Programme Council of the Centre for Technology Ethics of the Humanites Institute and an expert of the Digital Education Section of the Committee on Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Her research interests focus on the changes that digital transformation triggers in the economy and society. Previously, she conducted research on economic cooperation, including the issue of integration. She was a scholarship holder of the Foundation for Polish Science and "Polityka".

Co-author of the books: - "The Digital Economy. How New Technologies Change the World" (WUW 2020), honored with the third place in the "Economicus" competition in 2021 in the category "the best book promoting economic knowledge", - "The Economics of Digital Transformation. The Disruption of Markets, Production, Consumption, and Work" (Routlegde 2021).

Author of numerous publications in national and international specialized journals and books of the nature of scientific monographs and academic textbooks.