Rafał Stykowski

President, RadarSat, Inc

Rafał Stykowski was born in 1970 in Warsaw, where he lived for 20 years. In 1990 he moved to the USA, where he lives to this day. In 1996, persuaded by a friend from Poland, he decided to start his own TV business and that is how RadarSat, Inc. was established. Rafal became the first Polish dealer of Dish Network in the United States. Two years after founding the company, in 1998 he helped to launch Polish TV Polonia in the US and in 2004 he introduced iTVN and then Kino Polska channels. With time RadarSat began to introduce more Polish channels and currently under Rafal Stykowski's control there are 18 channels broadcasting their programs in the USA. For years he has been cooperating with the largest TV platforms in Poland and the USA, representative of Dish Network and Sling TV. Only in the last few years president Rafal Stykowski has contributed to the introduction of the channels TVP Info, TVP Polonia and TVP Wilno on the Dish Network and Sling platforms.
Firma RadarSat chętnie wspiera działania organizacji charytatywnych. W trakcie swojej wieloletniej działalności wsparła fundacje You Can Be My Angel, Patria, a także ufundowała upominki dla pierwszoklasistów z polskich sobotnich szkół. Chętnie bierze także udział w piknikach i festiwalach, tym samym wspierając polską kulturę na obczyźnie. Prywatnie Rafał Stykowski jest szczęśliwym mężem i ojcem dwójki dzieci, laureatem wielu prestiżowych nagród i wyróżnień.