Luc Ferry

Philosopher and former minister of youth, education and sports

Luc Ferry est philosophe, ecrivain et ancien ministre.Docteur en sciences politiques, par ailleurs professeur agrégé de philosophie et de sciences politiques, il est successivement attaché de recherche au CNRS et professeur des universités. De 2002 à 2004, dans les gouvernements I et II de Jean-Pierre Raffarin, il est ministre de la Jeunesse, de l’Éducation nationale et de la Recherche du président Chirac, puis nommé membre du Comité consultatif national d’éthique.

Luc Ferry is a philosopher, writer and former minister. He holds a doctorate in political science and is an associate professor of philosophy and political science, He was successively a research associate at the CNRS and a university professor. From 2002 to 2004, in the first and second governments of Jean-Pierre Raffarin, he was President Chirac's Minister for Youth, National Education and Research, then appointed member of the National Consultative Ethics Committee. He has also published some forty books, translated in over 30 countries. He is a columnist for Radio Classique, LCI and Le Figaro.