Agnieszka Barbasiewicz

President of the Maria Montessori Foundation

An innovator in education, designer, creative director of the Montessori Education Center, co-founder and long-time director of the St. Ursula Ledóchowska Montessori Elementary School, where she bases management on modern leadership and constant testing of new solutions while ensuring empathetic understanding in the teams she leads.

President of the Maria Montessori Foundation, member of the Polish Montessori Council, she has been working with the Polish Montessori Institute for many years.
She gives lectures and workshops on educational management, communication, crisis and change management.

For many years she has been involved in the promotion of reading among children, among other things, cooperating with the ABCXXI - All of Poland Reads to Children Foundation as a juror in the Astrid Lindgren Literary Competition. She was a member of the steering committee of the Program for the Promotion of Readership at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

A Polish scholar by education, she graduated from the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw, postgraduate studies in Educational Management at the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of Warsaw, as well as the Humanites Institute's innovative educational leadership programs: APLO I - "To make the principal a leader" and APLO II - "Leader in Change."

Currently, her professional interests focus on innovation management, solution and service design and leadership.
Mentor within the programs of the Network of Entrepreneurial Women.
Graduate of the first edition of Polish futurologist Zuzanna Skalska's original course "Designing the Future" at SWPS.
Privately, she is a wife and mother of four children, which gives her daily material for analysis and inspiration to create dream education - both for children, and adults.